About Me

My name is Nguyen Hoang Thuy Tien, I go by Tien most of the time, unless coined otherwise by my loved ones. I was born on January 1st, 2002, in Hanoi, Vietnam. My birthday is an important part of my identity- I strive to be unique, and always put the best effort possible.

I am currently a senior student of International Relations in Tokyo International University (TIU), Japan. Most of my work and achievements until now revolve around this. Beside being a fulltime student, I experienced being a writer, researcher, assistant and leader thanks to TIU.

My passions can be summarized in two phrases: self-betterment and world-betterment. That’s what I want to do in life: to improve myself day by day, and to make the world a better place, one step at a time. To break it down, my passions are:


I am dedicated to lifelong learning through a set of hobbies:

  1. Physical hobbies: I like running and walking, and go to the gym weekly. I have picked up bouldering, sometimes play badminton, and am interested in starting tennis 🙂
  2. Intellectual hobbies: I write journal regularly. I don’t think I’ve read enough to call myself a reader, but I strive to finish at least one book per month. I like going to public seminars, and engaging in intellectual discussions with my friends.
  3. Creative hobbies: I am a big believer in manifestation, and practice imagining every day 🙂 I play the piano sometimes, and my sister taught me crocheting (although I’m pretty bad at it). I secretly write poems as well (but will never publish it haha).
  4. Intrapersonal hobbies: I am an avid learner of myself 🙂 I study my own self, my behavior, motivations, strengths/weaknesses and beliefs through experiencing and self observing. I also read a lot of “personality”-related materials, but mainly to understand myself more. I can confidently say I know myself very well!


I am an advocate of peace, community building and sustainable development. I practice and engage in these matters through:

  1. Studying: I am an International Relations student, and am passionate in learning about the world. My ultimate goal is to understand how society functions, to create and partake in realistic ways to enhance it. At the moment, I am interested in taking courses in: environmental policies, sustainable development, and social psychology. I am trying to enroll in a Master program in related fields.
  2. Joining youth programs: I am an active participant of youth programs, seminars and unions. Programs and associations I am/was a part of: click here.
  3. Learning from peers: Through time, I have been developing confidence (or maybe shamelessness) to ask questions whenever possible. I initiate and engage in discussions regarding world issues.

“Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people”

I am also enthusiastic in learning about others. I would call myself a optimist. I love people in general (of course not everyone, I’m not a saint @@), and I love to hear people talking about themselves. I tend to learn many things from people I engage with, so my intrinsic motivation is to help build a society where people can share my feeling and passion in coexistence.

I grew up with, and love, “Heal the World” and “Earth Song” by Michael Jackson. They had profound impact on me as a child, and now they represent my beliefs and motivations.

“Do we give a damn”?

I do.

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